About time.
Watch it on Newgrounds now! You know you want to.
Very yes.
Age 41, Male
garbage man
Joined on 1/13/03
Posted by Sarkazm - March 15th, 2010
About time.
Watch it on Newgrounds now! You know you want to.
Interesujacy trailer, nie moge doczekac sie reszty filmu.
Looking forward to it
Have you got a release date?
The release date's 2010 : )
gah!! that shot of the guy standing in front of the city was my favorite from the trailer- its so cool to see something so epic up on newgrounds!!!!
Breathtaking visuals and detail. Hypnotic music. Bittersweet emotions. I'm really curious about the story... it looks very promising.
Bravo for now.
P.S. Have you considered adding your movie to an international short-film festival? Best of luck ^__^.
long time no see you
I can't wait for this to be out! It looks incredible. I've been a fan of your work since "Smile!" :D
Really expecting the finished work to come out, I lol'd when I saw the polsupah ad...
Also Woot for accurate release date, I came here searching for one... Keep us informed :P
Because of this trailer im expecting it to be 5x better than what disney can make :3
lol this is funny
O, rodak. Jak mi%u0142o.
Sarkasm responds: The release date's 2010 : )
Well that's not very revealing at all.
So..uh.. wheres aura?
Uno de los pocos videos que ha llamado mi atencion casi casi al 100%...
Los detalles son tan increibles, la musica es sonsacadora, ese modelo interracial que utilizaste es muy creativo, pero a la vez es muy sencillo.
Tienes una facilidad increible para expresar sentimientos, reprimientos, y hasta sueños que talvez jamas la raza humana alcanze a llegar
Tu trabajo es admirable, debo agregar, que me siento muy identificado, siempre he pensado que vivimos en una sociedad plastica, llena de hipocrecia, de elitismo y sobretodo de mucha desigualdad.
Este video simplemente TE LO DICE.
Alguien comentó que la imagen donde esta mirando la gran torre con la cara de "Smile!",mientras a su alrededor, un futuro demigrante esta a la orden del dia, es simplemente maravillosa.
Tienes un potencial fantastico, pulelo y llevalo a las grandes ligas, sin embargo, te lo pide alguien que vivio tu situacion, no olvides tus raices jamas, no olvides tu primer hogar, tu primera moneda ganada por ti mismo, tus inicios, por que alguien que crece sin importar la incertidumebre que le rodee es aun mas admirable que alguien que lo tuvo desde que nacio.
En fin, EXCELENTE, felicitaciones, un profesor de Arte en uno de los colegios mas representativos de Mexico admira y apoya tu trabajo.
**********Keep on going!
I hope u can translade this to ur languaje, i really hope it, cuz i want u to know my msj.
Antonio Del Toro De la O
From: Mexico
great job
Astonishing, that reminded me of nothing less than Cannon Fodder (by Katsuhiro Otomo).
looks amazing. Id love to see this
Beautiful, can't wait to watch this.
I'm glad you've also got yourself a great composer, the music was outstanding as well!